Monday, 20 December 2010

Advent Swap Day 19 & 20

Good Afternoon all on a very snowy day here in S.Wales
and other few inches has fallen and its still snowing as i type!!
So its been another Pj & fun filled day on the wii for
Suppose to been going shopping this afternoon,and it was my Xmas works
do...but no way...will i be going anyway tonight.
And fingers crossed...i could be a auntie by the end of the day
my sis-in-law had to be in the hospital this morning
to be started baby was due last mum
has just text and there is no signs yet...and on the ward
its crazy...midwifes..Doctors..nurses...are still there from
their shifts yesterday..due to the bad weather,had to stay there
knowing that they might not of be able to get back in
for their next you can imagine
what its like there today!!!!
Anyway....Here is my gorgeous hand made
glass bracelet i received off Sue for day 19!
I sooo love the colour....

And just what i needed..a lovely pen to write out
all my Xmas cards and pressie if your house
is anything like can never find one when you

Right off i go....I'm the tea's lady now...hubby
has decided to finish off painting the hallway....Woo Hoo
i can then put up my little Christmas tree..and decorate it with
my hand made bits!!

So Until next time...stay warm,big hugs clarexx

A warm welcome to my new followers...Thank you for popping by
and leaving your lovely comments!!

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